How Stigg helped DoubleLoop change their entire pricing model in the week before the launch

"Stigg gives pricing a solid structure. It allows me to launch immediately, significantly speed up the learning curve, and get to a pricing model that works for the business and our customers."

How Stigg helped DoubleLoop change their entire pricing model in the week before the launch

​​DoubleLoop helps product leaders identify key efforts, communicate business impact and execute a metrics-driven product strategy. Using Stigg, DoubleLoop was not only able to save 4-6 weeks of engineering time to build their first pricing, but also change their entire pricing model in the week before the launch to better match their customers’ needs.


Key Results:

  • 4-6 weeks of engineering time saved to build the initial pricing model, that would have included a much more limited feature set and less complete customer facing UI/UX
  • 1 week of engineering time saved for every pricing update the business wants to do
  • Complete flexibility to better adjust the entire pricing model to customer needs, without postponing the launch
  • Accelerated learning curve of which pricing resonates with customers, and which doesn’t
  • New growth unlocked by continuously testing and changing their pricing model with Stigg


The Challenge

DoubleLoop had just raised their Seed round. “The first companies started to see the value of what we’re building and were willing to pay for it.” remembers Daniel Schmidt, CEO and Co-founder of DoubleLoop. 

The team had done a lot of research to build their pricing model and were ready to roll it out. “Looking back, we didn’t see everything that was required to launch pricing. All the nasty details of implementing plans, dealing with proration, covering different scenarios, … Stigg really resonated with our general philosophy. We love to get on the rails of best practices.” said Dan. 

The Solution

DoubleLoop integrated with Stigg, reducing the engineering work spent on building the pricing model from 4-6 weeks to a couple of hours. “With Stigg, we were in good hands. Everything was taken care of and built after best practices. It helped us make the right decisions and changed this project from the scarily unknown to done.”

The team made use of Stigg’s pricing & packaging infrastructure as well as Stigg’s ready-made components, like the pricing page paywall, in-app paywall, and in-app customer portal widget. 

And then, the unexpected happened…

A few of DoubleLoops most loyal users were given a first glance into the new pricing - and their feedback made DoubleLoop rethink their model. “Normally, I wouldn’t change something right before the launch,” said Dan. “But with Stigg, we were able to completely change our entire pricing model in just a couple of hours. And without wasting a bunch of developer time.”

The Results

Despite a significant amount of engineering time saved to build and maintain their pricing model, the team also gained limitless flexibility in testing and changing their pricing with Stigg.

“My impression is we’re achieving maximum speed as well as unlocking new growth with Stigg. We got our first pricing out of the door in no time, were able to create a more full featured buyer experience, and can now quickly understand which pricing resonates with our users.” said Dan.

Also the engineering team is happy with Stigg. “Despite a 10 hour time difference, the team has always been responsive and helpful. I’m excited to keep working with Stigg and see how the product grows.”

Stigg gives pricing a solid structure. It allows me to launch immediately, significantly speed up the learning curve, and get to a pricing model that works for the business and our customers.
Daniel Schmidt, CEO & Co-founder, DoubleLoop